
Communist Jokes

In a normal country, they have lemonade. In Soviet Russia, they have Leninade: "Refresh yourself with a cold war."

In communist Russia there is no discrimination. White, black, African, American, British and Asian. They all go to Gulag eventually


Some guy interviewed me and asked how it felt to kill thousands of people. I replied, “I don’t know, I’ve only killed communists.”

An artist is commissioned to create a painting celebrating Soviet-Polish friendship, to be called "Lenin in Poland." When the painting is unveiled at the Kremlin, there is a gasp from the invited guests. The painting depicts Lenin's wife naked in bed with Leon Trotsky.

"But this is a travesty! Where is Lenin?" Asks one of the guests.

"Lenin is in Poland," replies the painter.

In normal country you call it Yugoslavia. In soviet Russia its call aregoslavia.

In normal country you call it Yugoslavia. In soviet Russia its called yugostravia.