What is a cup called when they show a ton of emotions???
Answer: Expresso!!! (KILL MEH)
What is a cup called when they show a ton of emotions???
Answer: Expresso!!! (KILL MEH)
Is depression an emotion or a state of mind? I call it a lifestyle.
I accidentally drank a little food coloring last night. I ended up dying inside.
It's ironic that the more other people love you, the more you hate yourself.
Are you depression? 'Cause you're always on my mind~
1273. Depression got the best of me. I'm gonna cry in my room now.
When you realize you have depression, and depression realizes how stupid you were.
Why did the emo leave the bar?
Because it was happy hour.
I love Brussel sprouts more than I love myself.
Depression is like having anxiety, but with more voices.
If depression is going to be my girlfriend, will she leave me?
What do you call a piece of tech that acts emo?
Cutting-edge Technology.
Me having a good day. Going on a walk on a peaceful day.
My depression: hey, what's up!
Me: go away.
My depression: well how rude.
Me: 🙄.
My depression: remember that one time......
Me: no, don't even.
My depression: that we.....
Me: nope.
My depression: *says really fast*: said that one stupid joke that wasn't funny and everybody just stared at you, and then you spilled water all over yourself and it looked like you peed yourself. And you went home and cried yourself to sleep just like you do every single night.
Me: 😳😶😟.
My depression: 😉 don't worry I'll always be here for you.
Looks like depression got the best of me! Don’t worry I’m already going under.
Everything I fall in love with leaves me. Maybe if I fall in love with my depression, it'll leave me too.
What’s the difference between an apple and a depressed kid? The apple falls from the tree.