What is a photographers favourite card game?
What is a peados favourite time off year Halloween because they get free delivery
What is Spiderman's favourite rice Uncle Ben
Q. Who is Tracy Latimer's least favourite rapper? A. Monoxide child
What's an emos favourite time of year? Fall
Why is an orpan favourite movie 🍿 spider man no way home
why does aaron eat burgers on a wednesday? because his spine is bent and his favourite gun in apex legends is the g7 scout and he uses the speedy spanish man
What's a deaf kids favourite words?
Shut up.
What's a kidnapper's favourite shoe? White vans
What's a skeleton's favourite instrument?
A tromBoner
What is jimmy saviles favourite roblox game?
undress to impress
What's Stephen hawking favourite food - meals on wheels
What's Helen Kellers favourite colour? Corduroy.