
Fall Jokes

A leaf and an emo fell off a cliff, who landed first?The leaf because the rope stopped the emo

If there was a girl and a boy in the boy fell what did the boy do to the girl

He fell for her

This 15 year old girl wanted a cross on her room with a long nail on the end over her bed unfortunately it killed her dad because it fell off the wall

(Do you get the joke)

(Her dad was on her and it fell and killed him)

A man is watching TV and his wife comes down and says"I just fell down the stairs, did you not hear me?" Man,"Sorry i thought it was the start of Eastenders"

A girl walks in the room she asks her my why's my name flower her mom said when you were born a flower fell on your head brick walks in the room jasvidnqzkdvsosbd

Quote of the day: Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day [Comment your favorite fall beverage]

I can’t take credit for this joke it’s not mine. Remember that time joe Biden fell off his bike? He said it’s not his fault he blamed the tires for being too inflated

Little mickel was on a tree he feel down and hurt his knee he sat down and started to cry and from there he would never lie

Well, I didn’t get as high as I wanted to, but I’m high enough that if I fall I’d probably break something.