An American is lecturing a British person, saying things like "it's an elevator, not a lift" and "it's chips, not crisps" etc. After a while of this, the British person calmly retorted, "they're schools, not shooting ranges."
So Santa fell down the chimney, but it was a lit chimney...his name's no longer Santa. It's Crisp Cringle. Pls send help :)
In the hospital, they need to keep the disabled patients' rooms cooler than the other patients' rooms.
They need to keep the vegetables cool and crisp.
What is a porn star's favourite potato crisp flavour...
Prawn cocktail.
Why are orphans so lucky? Every crisp packet is family sized
Why can't orphans have a large bag of crisps? Because it's family size 😂
What is Stephen Hawkings favourite crisps
Micro chips 😂
What's Bin Laden's favorite flavor of crisp? Plain.
A polar bear walks into a bar, asks the barman, “A pint of lager................. and a packet of crisps.”
The barman asks, “Why the large pause?”
What’s Steven Hawking's favorite crisps brand?