
Change Jokes

I thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant, but apparently it just changes the color of the baby.


How many dead prostitutes does it take to change a light bulb? -- Obviously not 8, because its still dark in my basement.


How many People do you need to change a Lightbulb? Three.The first holds the ladder,the second one holds the Lightbulb and the third one spins the Ladder.

As a child, my mother always told me she was going horse riding. My whole life change when I found out she was under the horse.


Frank: I am named frank because my grandpa lived in Frankfurt during his best years. Finley: I am named Finley because my grandmother was in Finland during her early twenties! Mia: Can we please change the subject?

Broccoli says" I look like a tree" Walnut says "I look like a brain", Cashew says "I look like a kidney", Banana says "can we change the topic please? "

I actually think paul walker was a good man, he did not deserve to be burned alive

He had a change of race tho when he died

How many feminists do you need to change a light bulb? One. She puts the bulb up and waits for the world to revolve around her. ...just kidding- - none. They can't change anything.

How many cancer patients does it take to change a lightbulb? 10, 1 to change the lightbulb 9 to talk about how inspired they are?


How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? It only takes one but it takes a long time and the light bulb has to want to change.