
Everyone Jokes

POV: 11:07 PM At night reading these when you notice that like everyone else has not life like you.

Dark humor and woman are very similar...

Not everyone appreciates them, but they both give everyone something to make fun of.

_Everyone:_ What does NASA mean ? _NASA's response:_ National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

_Everyone:_ What does NASA mean ? _Arinator's response:_ National Ariana and Space Ariana.


how do you get a party started in Africa

you put a slice of bread on the ceiling and everyone will be jumping

Me to an orphan: If you had a penny for everyone who loved you, i dont think you'd have any The orphan: But why? Me: Because if someone loved you they wouldn't have thrown you out.

Did you hear about the Boston marathon cause well I heard it was a blast and that it blew everyone away