Father's Day and Mother's Day Logic

Everyone: So, wait, let me get this straight. Feminists want to cancel Father's Day because it is offensive to single mothers.

Feminists: Correct.

Everyone: Then what the f*** is the point of Mother's Day?



Explain Bear

Alright, Puffy, listen up. You, like many, are a bit slow on the uptake, but that's okay because I'm here to break it down. The joke is that some people (not necessarily feminists) are suggesting that Father's Day is offensive to single mothers, which leads to the question, if that's the logic, why would we have Mother's Day, since that could be offensive to single fathers? The joke points out the absurdity of the idea of abolishing Father's Day from this perspective. It's all about a little thing called 'logic,' which you clearly need some help with.

Comments (4)

Yeah, I agree that they need rights .... lefts and upper cuts too!