Why can't a dodo fly? Cus it suicided when it saw you will be born soon.
What do you call an orphan with parents?
Idk, I never met one before.
Bonus joke: I went up to an orphan and asked where his parents were. He said, "I don’t have any." I said, "Wonder why."
Another bonus joke: Me: Hey. Orphan: Hey. Me: What do you do for fun? Orphan: Look for my parents. Me: Me, so they're not dead? Orphan: No, they just abandoned me.
More bonus: What do you call a homeless kid?
An orphan.
Last bonus: Why don’t orphanages teach kids about home?
Because they can’t find one.
lmao this is so funny, dark humor can be funny. Sorry, orphans!
I want a bigger couch.
Why? You're going to be in the kitchen most of the time anyway.
Why should you put an autistic person in a refrigerator?
Because otherwise you’ll get a rotten vegetable.
(Not meant to be triggering).
whats the diffrens betewin an orfan an a ejipshon ejshtions have mummise
What do you call a black comedian?
Dark Humor.
Why did the kid named Jeff become gay? Because he grew up without a father figure. Hahaha, I love dark humor!
What is the difference in having a granny fetish and necrophilia? A few weeks.
What did the boy with no hands get for his birthday?
I don't know, he hasn't opened it yet.
What is George Floyd's pickup line? You are breath taking.
Dark humor leave if sensitive: Wives are like grenades pull the ring and the house is gone.
Most controversial types of matter: 1. Dark matter 2. Anti matter 3. Black lives matter
Why is a white prison inmate scarier than a black inmate?
The white guy did it
how do you surprise 50 year old man? by putting a 12 inch dick through his ass. He said " best surprise ever"
HAHAHAH! You all got April fooled in the wrong month!
What do you call a garage that is gay?
A gyarge.
Kid: "What's dark humor?"
Mom: "You see that man over there without arms? Tell him to clap."
Kid: "I am blind, Mom."
Mom: "Exactly."
So I became a teacher in a school for disabled children.
A kid wanted to ask me a question, so I told him to stand while he address me. 💀
What do emo kids and bats have in common?
They both hang from trees.
Why can't dinosaurs clap? Cuz their dead.