Cosmetic surgery used to be such a taboo subject. Now you can talk about Botox, and nobody raises an eyebrow.
What is the difference in having a granny fetish and necrophilia? A few weeks.
Father: "I don't trust you. You poured your seed in my daughter's belly."
Son: "But Paah, you can't fire me."
Father: "You're lucky you're my brother too, or I'd kill you."
What is a glory hole at the adult book store used for?
Campaign contributions to the Republican Party.
They'll never do reverse cowgirl because you never turn your back on family.
I hate family reunions.
I see too many of my ex's there.
Why did Logan Paul go to the suicide forest?
To see who's hanging around.
A priest, Kelly Clarkson, and Ian Watkins all walk into a bar... only for the bartender to exclaim, "We don't serve your kind around here!" Then he muttered in a low voice, "Fucking paedos."
Some people think incest jokes are funny.
I just think it's all relative.
Dark Humor is like a child with cancer. It never gets old.
Cousins on the streets means lovers in the sheets. 😂👀
The last thing I told my ex after we broke up was, "At least we're still cousins!" 😂
What's the definition of trust?
Two cannibals giving each other blowjobs.
What do you call a night guard at the glory hole inside a adult bookstore?
Guardian of the confessional booth.
What's the best part about plowing your cousin?
- It makes your sister jealous.
I told my sister I was into incest. She took it really hard. 😉😏
What do you say after committing incest?
No Chromo!
Only one of Kenny's girlfriends has ever said he's good in bed.
But she has to. She's his mom.
So there I was, fucking my sister, and she shouts, "God, you fuck like Dad!" I then said, "Damn, that’s what Mom said."
A vampire walks into a bar and orders a cup of hot water. The bartender asks, "I thought you guys only drink blood?"
The vampire pulls out a used tampon and says, "I'm making tea."