What is a mad cow disease
what sound do you get when you cross a cow with a cat?
So there was 3 baby chickens and 2 mothers the first baby said "why am I named calf?" and the mother said "I f###ed a cow" then the second baby came up to it's mother and it said " why am I named b##ch? " and it's mom said "I f###ed a wolf and the final baby came to its mother and said "why am I named orphan?" And because it's mother wasn't there to see it this is what I have to say "because you are one you ducking hitch!!"
What do you get when you kill a brown chicken and brown cow
Dead chicken and Dead cow.
What’s a cow with no body and no nose Nobody nose
Does chocolate milk comes from black cows?
I would Curse at u but my country praises cows
What do you call a bad bull
a bully
Why did you indin man eat a cow BECUSE he wanted to be fat
knock knock who's there cows go cows go who? no silly cows go moo
There are 5 cows in a field 1 of them is the mom the rest are kids one of the kids walked up to the mom and asked why am I named Daisy and then a daisy fell on her head, The 2econt cow came up to the mom and asked why am I named rose and then a rose fell on her head, then the 3rd cow said why am I named violet then a violet fell on her head then the 4th cow walked up and said merrrbere then the mom said shutup sinderblock
I have a cow over my house spending the night with me because she has been out in the streets homeless and poor so my family force it to come and live with me at my place. The cow ask me where do I keep all the dairy items like the milk cheese yogurt and meat? In the refrigerator where do you think i keep on the farm with all the rest of those cows? That night we had to share a room and sleep in the same damn bed then she starting getting high and drinked some cow wine with titty milk and it made her shit all over the bed.
What is a cows favorite class in school? -moosic
My name is bob and I am a cow. My Grandfather was a knight and his name was Sir Loin
What do you call J Cow's new hit? Deja Moo!
What do cows like to do? COW-culating
If you wear cowboy clothes, are you ranch dressing?
What do cows read the moospaper
why was the cow scared cause he had a nightmoor
What do you call a cow you can’t see? Camooflauged