What does a Viagra and Disney Land have in common? They both cause you to stand around for an hour waiting for a two-minute ride.
Q: What does a slice of pizza and an F grade have in common?
A: They're both cheesy.
What do me and a casino machine have in common. It takes about 50 pumps to get to the jackpot.
What do shemales and barns have in common?
What do will from stranger things and the fresh prince of belair have is common there both named will and there lives both got flipped turned upside down
What does a bar fly and a Necrophiliac have in common?
They both enjoy a Cold one once in awhile.
what does a make a wish kid and mosquitoes have in common? They Both Got A 10% Survival Rate...
What do friends and trees have in common? They both fall down when you hit them with an axe.
What does Santa Claus in Bill Cosby have in common? They both come while you’re asleep
What does nail polish and panties have in common? Both come off with alcohol
What do orgasms and impulses have in common? I don’t care if they have either of them
What does Drew Bledsoe and the twin towers have in common
They both got taken out by two jet.
What do royals and hot dogs have in common?
They're usually in bread
What's common in vampires and American kids ?
They both don't get old .
What does this website with it's comments and a cult have in common? We have a case of Witzelsucht.
What does weed in the Carolina Panthers have in common? They both get smoked in bowls
What does grass and Rachel Sutherland’s wrists have in common: nothing they both get cut
What do spiders and Black people have in common? When they’re black, they kill you