
Christmas Jokes

I love it when your parents come round for Christmas, I just wish we couldn't hear them through the ceiling.

What is a animal that kids get for Christmas and can easily give to someone else?

A white elephant.

So a girl goes to Santa in the mall, and Santa asks what she would like for Christmas. So the kid says: “a little sister”. So then Santa says: “bring me your mother!”

What did the pretty young pre-pubescent 14 year old boy say when he got a homosexual peadophile for Christmas?

He said he was awfully touched!!!!

*family are together playing charades*

Me: 50 Shades of Grey! Yes, I'm so good at charades! Put your shirt back on nan!

whats the similarities between an emo and some Christmas lights

they are both going to be hanging from a tree

You know how in the movie nightmare before christmas they say making Christmas

I thought mary a josphe did but ok