what do u call a Chinese baby? sum ting Wong
I was in the mood for some dark meat, so I called my black friend.
What do you call someone who’s afraid of breastroke? Chicken breast
what do you call a gay emo kid?
Fruit ninja
If my mom decides to get Chick-fil-A for dinner and when I decided to eat my family for dinner is called canabalism
I prank called someone saying, "SON! IT'S ME, SON! I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!" My friend next to me asked who I was calling, and I said, "the orphanage."
I found two of the same Lego Duplo sets, so I called ‘em Duplocates
After seeing you sing, the dog got disinfected from rabies You call me a prostitute's son, I call you test-tube babies
Orphans actually have an advantage. Nobody can call them motherless or Test-tube babies in an argument.
What do you call a feminist? A Karen
What do you call a autism daughter
I called the suided hotline in Afghanistan and they got excited and ask if I could drive a b50two
Why can’t Germans call a taxi *does taxi calling motion* https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj6iIbtq9L8AhXyk4kEHTyDBS4QwqsBegQICBAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcJz6Oqm4UoY&usg=AOvVaw0mbwQc0TCp6COJ4FJHCIQp it’s not a Rick roll
What do you call a Titan who can't swim????? Titanic Imagine the Titanic with a lisp. It would be unthinkable. my version is imagine the Titanic with a lisp it would be unsinkable. What did the front half of the Titanic say to the other half when it hit the ice berg ? I'm breaking up with you.
What do u call a disabled person who deals drugs A wheel dealer
What do you call someone with notorious special needs and an extra chromosome? The double trouble.
What do you call a baby in a blender a baby blender
there was a kid in a wheel chair i put him on fire called him hotwheels
Did you hear about the Mexican emo band? They're called "Hispanic at the Disco
What do you call a hung autist... Dead