The emo kid ran away after his parents asked why they took the barcode sticker off the Oreos.
How to kill a blond: put a scratch & sniff in a pool.
I had a broken vacuum, then I put a One Direction sticker on it and it suddenly sucked again.
My bumper sticker says: "👋FORMER BABY ON BOARD."
Whats brown and sticky - a stick
I thought I saw a cool sticker on my office window, then I realized it was getting bigger and bigger.
How do you drown a Blonde? You put a scratch and sniff sticker in a pool.
When a "Baby on Board" sticker is a little faded and beat up, you know the kid is at least a year old, and the car is safe to ram.
When Chinese baby’s are born they should put a sticker on their forehead saying “MADE FROM CHINA”.
What kind of paper gets stuck to your foot?
DUH! A sticker.
What the can say to the tomato?
Tomato tomato potato potato find twelve recipe for the both 👍🏾
I put on ingredient sticker read for tasting good.