
Baby Jokes

What is the difference between a 100 dead babies and a mustang challenger? i dont have a mustang challenger in my garage

Noticing how wet and gentle the baby's mouth was on the bottle tip, this gave uncle Willie an idea

Men built civilisations Men went to the moon Men invented the modern comforts of today’s society

Women did none of those They are useless, only fit to be baby making machines

There’s so many protests. Every time I see my body my choice, I can’t tell if we’re protesting the masks or trying to kill babies

What’s the difference between dead babies and a cat? The cat is still alive. What’s the difference between cat food and tonight’s dinner? Nothing it’s all just mystery meat.


A guy and his girl just finished making love. Just as they lay next to each other, the girl asks "Have you thought about any baby names?". The guy then takes his condom off and ties it, and says "Well propably David Copperfield, if he gets out of this"

you know why Santa's saying is "Ho Ho Ho?" How else is he supposed to give boys and girls a baby brother or sister for Christmas?