Two fish are in a tank. One says, "You man the guns, I'll drive!"
What do cows eat for breakfast? -- Moosli.
Where do cows keep their historical cultural artifacts? -- In the mooseum.
What do you call a cow with two legs? -- Lean beef.
What do you call a cow with no legs? -- Ground beef.
Where do cows go on holiday? -- Moo Zealand.
What do you call a cow who plays an instrument? -- A moosician.
How does a cow become invisible? -- Through camooflage.
Why are theaters popular among cows? -- They enjoy watching moovies.
Why are cats bad storytellers? -- Because they only have one tale.
What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter? -- "Quack, quack."
Why can't college students take exams at the zoo?
Too many cheetahs!
How does a fish always know how much they weigh? -- Because they have their own scales.
What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? -- One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter.
Where do rabbits eat breakfast? -- IHOP.
Why did the octopus beat the shark in a fight? -- Because the octopus was well armed.
What do you call a cross between a gorilla and a monkey? -- A cross.
What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? -- "Bison."
Two horses are standing in a field. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," says the first.
"Moo!" says the second.
What did the fish say before he hit the wall? -- "Oh, dam."
How do you count cows? -- With a cowculator.