If an illegal immigrant fights against a child molester, would that be "Alien vs Predator"?
What do you get when you cross a pedophile and an elementary school? Predator 3.
Thanks to an unfortunate typo, it's the most one-sided action movie ever.
Alen vs. Predator.
If they made a movie about your sex life, what would the title be?
Mine would be "Alien Vs. Predator."
Alien vs Predator
Cosby vs E.T.
What does a turtle and a pedophile have in common? They both want to get there before the hare does.
What do you call it when a Mexican and a pedophile fight?
Alien vs Predator.
What is a pedophile's favorite dating site?
How many times can 50 fit into 9?
Get in a van and find out.
A lion, Johnny Depp, and a hockey player from Nashville all have one thing in common.
They're all Predators!
A shark can swim faster than me, but I can run faster than a shark.
So in a triathlon, it would all come down to whoever can ride a bike the fastest.
A pedophile pulls up to little Jonny, lowers his window and asks, "hey little boy, if I give you a lolly, will you come in my car?" Little Jonny replies, "Give me the whole packet and I’ll come in your mouth."
What does Michael Jackson and a lion have in common?
They're both predators.
A cow went into a pride of lions' territory.
Since that moment, he knew his life was on the stake.
Me: I found a group of furries in the woods.
Voice in back: Well, it looks like we're going huntin'.
Why did the lion lose the race? Because he was playing with a cheetah.
What does a shark and a computer have in common?
They both have megabytes.
What do you get when you cross Bill Cosby and Jeffrey Epstein?
Predator 2.
A fully grown bull Great White Shark is 15 feet long and can open its jaws up to 1.2 meters long. It could eat a small child in seconds. Anyways, I lost my job at the aquarium...
Are you a gun, because I would be your bullets because I love going in children.