A kid is watching TV and sees an ad about adopting an animal. He then turns to his mother and says, “Do we have to adopt a donkey?” “No,” replied the mom, “but we decided to do it... we adopted you.”
Donkeys are cool.
When a donkey digs a tunnel, it is called a burro.
What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?
A piece of ass that makes your eyes water.
An Autistic chef made hamburgers out of donkey meat.
He called them: "Asperger's."
I like my woman like I like my coffee: in a big sack on top of a donkey.
What is the most awkward moment when Helen Keller is playing pin the tail on the donkey?
Her friends aren’t sure whether to blindfold her.
Two terrorists walk into a bar, and the bartender says, "What can I get you?"
The terrorists both say, "A beer."
The bartender overhears them talking about how they will kill 300 people and a donkey. The bartender says, "Why a donkey?"
One terrorist says, "See, I told you no one would care about the people!"
Mom: (Looking through Facebook) How adorable! Kid: (Looking over her shoulder) What a cute ass! The kid's mom blushes until she realizes what he was pointing to. It was a picture of a baby donkey.
The real question is, what was she looking at on the same screen that made her blush at that remark?
Why are Democrats represented by the donkey? Because some Democrats can be such an ass!
I tried to eat ass once. The donkeys got one hell of a kick!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue, you look like a donkey, and smell like one, too.
What chicken crossed the road the donkey of the moneys
An Autistic chef made hamburgers out of donkey meat.
He called them: “ASPERGER’S”
A Chinese guy said to his friend: "I saw you fucking your donkey yesterday."
His friend: "No, that's impossible, it's too hot inside."
What do you call a donkey and a potato?
What is it called when you whoop a donkey?
A whooped ass and apparently some people get that everyday from their drunk dads.
She likes the Donkey-Punch. She likes the Dirty Sanchez. Sometimes she even likes to fool around in your bed!
What do you get if you cross a zebra and a donkey?
What is monkeys favorite position? Donkey Kong