my ill sis said why did the bear said no to ice cream and I said why she said cuz it stuffed
Why did the chicken crack the safe?
To get to her nest egg.
A few days ago, I phoned up the spiritual leader of Tibet, and he sent me a large goat with a long neck. Turns out I phoned Dial-a-Llama.
If you ever get chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire.
They're trained for that.
Where do you mix a bunny and a hare
Bunny hare
What’s up with the foot feet?
What is the plural of "goose"? "Geese."
What is the plural of moose? Well, it ant meese.
Well, it’s my first joke. Please forgive me if it’s bad.
Who makes the best anteaters?
Uncle's... (Aunt eaters)
What do you get when you mix a fly and a rabbit?
What did the frog order?
A diet Croak!
Why did the boy get a Koala? He had the Koalaficatians
What did the bull say when got hit in the special area? "Damn my bulls!" Ahahaha
What do you say to your pony when it's being wild?
Stop horsing around!
What do you call a female octopus? An octopussy.
Why did the chicken go to the restaurant?
To eat chicken!
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Teacher: What's your favorite animal?
Me: Desert Eagle.
Teacher: Why?
Me: 'Cause it fits in my backpack.
What do you get when you cross a lawn mower and a parakeet?
Shredded tweet!
We just got a new chicken-proof lawn. It's impeccable.
What does a gay horse eat? Haaaaaaay!
So there was this girl and her horse would not stop following her so she said ̈stop horsing around ̈
Get it horse-ing