In the bus, you can't spell "black" without "back."
Why do rapists and pedophiles never win a race?
Because they always like to come in a little behind.
Who’s there?
To who?
No, “to whom.”
What do you call a kid with an eyepatch and no arms or legs names
My dad is so good at instruments, he said he loves to finger "a minor."
"Man, your jokes about homicide are totally killer!"
All of you guys in this orphanage are ABCDEFGHIJK.
What's that? said the orphans.
Attractive, brilliant, cute, darling, elegant, funny, gorgeous, and hot.
What's the IJK?
I'm just kidding! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why aren’t orphan jokes funny?
The punchline isn’t apparent.
if you stab a cereal box, will that make you a cereal killer?
Do you know what the F in Orphan stands for?
Why did the deer cross the road? Its friend deered it to!
What's a footlong and slippery?
A slipper.
What do you call a lamp that molests young boys? A Jacko Lantern!
What do you call an apple that fell out of the tree?
An orphan.
911 jokes usually go over my head.
Then it hits me.
What do you call it when a man is scared in Panera Bread?
Panera dread.
Why did the emo kid hate the nun? (Cuz nun of them were emo.)
Why can't orphans be gay? Because then they would be home-osexual.
I was walking today and I saw an emo with a noose looking up at a tree. I simply said, "Hang on there, bud!"
What do you call an Indian with pink hair?
Ghandi floss.