Why do basketball players like cookies? Because they can dunk them!
Why did the basketball player not get on the bus?
Because he couldn’t be caught travelling! 😂
Why is it annoying to eat by basketball players? Because they dribble all the time!
Q: How do basketball players stay cool during a game?
A: They stand near the fans! 🏀🏀😆😆
If Shaquille O’Neal had a boat, he would’ve named it Freethrow, because he will never sink it.
Q. What do you call a Muslim basketball player? A. Osama Bin Ballin
2k14 was so realistic when I switched to Kobe, the pass button stopped working.
Q: What do you call deaf Magic Johnson?
A: Hearing Aids.
Why can't Kobe go shopping?
He's dead.
What do you call a basketball player with erectile dysfunction?
Tragic Johnson.
Why do basketball players hate gravity?
Because it's always bringing them down.
Why do basketball players love cookies so much?
Because they can dunk them!!!!!!!
What’s the difference between a basketball player and an orphan? One has a home to run to
What do you call Mordecai dressing up as a basketball player?
Blue Jay Simpson!
Call me Kobe Bryant, cause I'm gonna helicopter out of this one.
Curry hits 3s, and Kobe hit 3 trees.
What do you say when going for a dunk in basketball?
"Kobe crash!"
What helped the Lakers win the Finals? Kobe's passing!
Why did the NBA remove the glory hole from the men's locker room?
Too many black basketball players sucking too many white cocks before the game.
A basketball player walks into a strip club:Hi I heard I could bounce some balls here?