
Wheres Jokes

I saw an orphan on the street i said where’s your parents he cried and said my mum and dad died in a car crash 😆😆😂😂🤣

I took the trash to the recycling bin and two days later my mom told me asked me where’s your sister and I said in the recycling line to be turned into a bottle

the man saw a kid on the road and the man asked the man: where are your parents. the boy: ........ the man left the adoption centre

Why is Donald Trump under so much stress. Because he signed up to be on an album where somebody says no love for the rich on it.

Jerry Garcia: I’m going on a TRIP today! Bob Weir: Where are you going? Jerry Garcia: I’m already on it. 😯🦄🌈

If you were to ask me: "Where would be the worst place to commit a crime?", I would say a multi-storey car park. Because if you think about it, it would be wrong on so many levels.

Last night I remember partying with friends to find blood on my nightstand. Moments after I scolded my friends to put my alarm clock back where they found it.

Where do you think all the orphans went? In the world trade center, I trapped them in so they can finally get to their parents.

A young girl was playing in the park with her mother when she asked the question, "mummy what`s that building over there"? The mother looked at the prison, smiled and said "that's where the cotton pickers live.


A kid is learning about planets in school, when he hears the planet Uranus. Knowing it's the perfect opportunity for a joke, the kid replies, "Where's my Anus?"