
Wheres Jokes

Where did Sally go after the gunshot ? 6 feet under

*that is how deep they put the coffin...*

So uh I did this thing where I put soap on my brother's toothbrush and then I put more on and colored it to make it look like toothpaste and uh, he is constipated now I AM EVIL :3

Someone came to me and said “your dad is gay”. I just said “wait. You know where my dad is? Please tell me!”

People on 1912: This ship is unsinkable even god himself couldn’t destroy it God: Ok bet where’s my icebergs?

imagine this: u at math class. Teacher asks you “wut 11*11”. You say “120”. Teach syas “wrong!” You say “how off was I?” Teach says “1” me rn: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHERES THE RAGE TABLE or smth liek tht

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a bucket of water. WHERE DO THEY REALLY GO BECAUSE WATER CAN NOT BE AT THE TOP OF A HILL!? I honestly think that only people with a physics degree can make nursery rhythms

Hi Leyla, I have been trying to reach you for a while. Where have you been? I was wondering if you wanted to chat.

Patient: where are you taking me, doctor? Doctor: the morgue Patient: hang on! I'm not dead yet! Doctor: and we're not there yet!