Orphan's Website Trouble

Why can't orphans see all these jokes on this website that we're posting?

'Cause they don't know where the home page is.



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, smarty pants! You know orphans, right? No moms, no dads, maybe some temporary home. This guy says they can't find the jokes online 'cause they don't know where the 'home' page is. Get it? It's a double meaning, see? It's funny 'cause it's kinda sad, and it's also a wordplay on "home". You probably still don't get it, because you're so regarded. Okay bye, have a BASED day.

Comments (12)


That is not funny! btw I am an orphan or was and that is hurtful! Now we know what people are with homes. Greedy, stantful, and evil! and They thank their better than everyone


ok thx Kamikaze for the comedy gold but those bitches are shit :)

Okay we are not female dogs! if we where then how the hell would I spell type o wait T Y P E!!!! Could a "Bitch" do that no a human H U M A N can so how about u shut up!

u problaye dont know what bitch and shit mean!

Yeah so I guess if he says it then he is it

I am an orphan but some of these jokes are kinda funny but this one took it a little far...

I have my origanal parents and a home and yet this is still hurting me because of how mean this is... I mean your making fun of poor helpless in- need people! IT IS N.O.T RIGHT!

For. Fucks. Sake. idk how many times i can say this; u dont like the jokes, dont read them!!! Go to another category! Honestly, y'all are idiots. Except Tj, he seems fine