
Wheres Jokes

According to unofficial sources, a new simplified income-tax form consists of only four lines:

1. What was your income for the year?

2. What where your expenses?

3. How much have you left?

4. Send it in.

A teenager went into a creepy house with his 3 friends on 2 came out where are the others?

(getting brutaly murdered)

My son came up to me and said “mom, where are your parents?” I stared in confusion i said “in a far place.” He asked “In and orphanage?”

When i was at work i say this kid crying i said where are your parents. God i love working in a orphanage

So one day a teacher asked how many of you have thought of committing suicide half of the class raised their hand but the teacher said “ Where is Jesse and John “ ?

What's black and sits on the bottom of the stairs to the cellar?

Steven hawking where the experiments went wrong.


Why can't sally swing? Because she has no arms Knock knock, "who's there?", not sally

*new* Where did sally go when the bombs dropped? Everywhere