
Wheres Jokes

"Hey I heard you were a bit dow- where's John?" "He died" "oh I'm so sorry but I got you food " (after they eat) "Hey how did John taste seasoned and cooked.?"

where did little billy go when he was stuck in a minefield... everywhere. that joke was pretty dark but it got pretty light for a second

Did you see that car crash today where the guy got the entire left side of his body cut off? He's all right now

(Phone call) This is Franks funeral home and grill where yesterday’s grief is todays beef. How may we help you ?

Man walks in to his bedroom where his wish is carrying a sheep under his arm and says this is the pig I've been fucking.wife says that's not a pig that's a sheep dumbass.husband says I was talking to the sheep

This kid was crying so I asked him where his parents where. He just cried harder. I still remember him every time I pass that orphanage.

do you know when the thing of you when the was is where you and if you when you where if i and you where in the thing is where yes