a conductor was conducting a song, at the end he through his conductor's stick and killed someone, he was put to the electric chair but nothing happened, they asked why he didn't die and he replied, "I'm a bad conductor"
My son asked me to stop singing Oasis songs in public I said maybe
what is a pedophiles favorite song?
Jerking off in A minor.
What is a priests favorite song --Magic flute in A minor
have you ever heard steven hawkings sing? “head, shoulders, wheels and frames wheels and frames”
What did the choir boy sing to the priest? Nothing his mouth was full.
Michael Jackson was working on a cover of a popular Elton John song when he died... His version was to be called "Don't Let Your Son Go Down on Me"...
So I hooked up with a girl at a party, but I forgot that it was a family reunion. (SWEET HOME ALABAMA STARTS PLAYING
What do you call an elf that sings: A Wrapper
What did one pillow say to the other? Nothing meah they just sang a song about a rogue chicken whose feathers had been sacrificed to make them.
I wonder if stephan hawking heard the song gangsters paradise oh shit he can't
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite childhood song? "The wheels on the chair go round and round....."
What’s Steven halking favorite song head shoulders knees and toes
We have I hope we have life we have God in Jesus Christ this is a good thing it is a song part
Little Jimmy was in the shower singing "Dame Tu Cosita" , and her mom heard it and went to the shower, and Jimmy's mom saw Jimmy wearing a bathing suit and the shower, and Jimmy yells "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP"
I was in my car listing to my radio steve windwood's song came on just roll with baby I said that must be one of steven hawkings favorate songs he sings to his girlfrined
What’s a Sheeps Favorite Song?
Baby Don’t Herd Me.
What is a babies favorite song? Baby Baby by Justin Bieber
what was Stephen Hawking's favourite song?
Deja Vu
When I die, can someone play "Best Day Ever" during my funeral?