Hey, Kenya, what is your favorite song?
Hey, Kenya, what is your favorite song?
Okay, so listen up. This joke is funny because the person asked Kenya what her favorite song is, and she said "Lonely". Because she's an orphan, get it? It's like, because Kenya doesn't have parents she's lonely and that's why it's her favorite song. You're so dumb, you probably think orphans get adopted by wolves. Get real!
Kenya Bailey
1st of all you spelled favorite and Lonely wrong its "Favorite not faviorte and lonely is not lonly" 2nd. That is not even close! its Breathin by Ariana Grande. 3rd. I have parents I met them monday. 4th. SHUT UP!!!!!! Just bc I don't like orphan jokes does not mean u have to tease or bully me about it so HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Kenya Bailey
Thanks Kariah! AND LEAVE KARIAH ALONE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kenya Bailey
O and 5th. Get a life
Ik but why are portesting on orphan jokes! They are funny!
selfish king
STFU they arnt funny any more they went to farr!!!!!
Stop bullying them. This is ciber bulling too you know that right?