
Safety Jokes

Today my mom gave me a lecture on how to stay safe during school shootings and when my brother walked past my mom asked me a question "what do you think of going through kids heads during a school shooting " That's when my brother came back downstairs and said to me and my mom "bullets" we don't talk about this anymore

There was a blackout in my neighborhood last night. The police told us to stay inside until they shot him.


Teachers: when ever there’s a school shooting hide under the desk Students: hiding under desk Shooter: Well no ones in here

What's the difference between a road bump and children crossing the road? A road bump will make you slow down when you drive over it.

A priest and Rabbi run out of the orphanage

Priest: How the hell did that fire start Rabbi: I don't know but what about the children? Priest: Fuck the children Rabbi: Do we have time? Priest: There's always time for something like that.

Friend: Why did you touch me? Me: That guy in the corner with no hair , glasses, really nice, white button up shirt, that drives a white van slow by school zones told me to and he would give me hard candy.