Roses are red, Violets are blue And if you're my friend I'll be there till the end
(This is a cruel joke, do not say this to anyone it just popped up in my mind)
Roses are Red Violet's are blue yo grandma died, yo dad left you too, now you living with yo old grandma coot. 'oh' let's not forget yo mom left you to, you gon live alone, die alone, with no roses on yo casket too.
Dear Hearing People. We, deaf people, ain’t dead. We can use our hands to talk, eat & fist your face to give you some 💡 awareness that we can understand you 💯 meanwhile we laugh at you 🤡 We Can even dance via vibration through music. Do you know the song W lyric like this 👇 *white b.... accent: Ohhh.. MY God BECKY.. L👀k at her butt. IT is SO BIG. *BIG BEAT DROP* I...LIKE...BIG...BUTT...I cannot LIE 👻 I promise we ain’t ghosting around - Brittany Rose
pass around the roses, their casket full of hoses, crash it, watch it, the water! OH SHIT ITS GONNA BLOW
Roses are red my life is a disaster the children are fast but the combine is F A S T E R
Roses are red I have free candy get in my van I have free candy
"Why is my name Rose?" "A rose fell on your head when you were born." "Why is my name Daisy?" "A Daisy fell on your head when you were born." "Bedrock is better than Java!!!" "Oh, hi Brick!"
Roses are red violts are blue god made me pritty what happend to you
Roses are red my toaster too, oh shit I've burnt the house down what do now do I screw.
rose are red my cat try to kill your next >:)
Roses are red I am dead u could call me wet or I will keep ur dread