Roses are red So is My gun Why do you ask? Because it's full of blood
Roses are red, Violets are blue, u look like shrek, and u make me peck
Roses are red Thats a tin can You have no home So get in the van
Roses are red Obama is well spoken im sorry sir but the ice cream machine is broken
Roses are red violets are blue don't let your kids next to Prince Andrew
Roses are red violets are blue Alexander Boris de piffle had wine and cheese while your loved ones died in the ICU.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Hitler blew an 11 country lead, During World War 2.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, In your eyes' reflection, My dreams come true.
Roses are red violets are blue people thinks that you’re fat until they saw your mom
Roses are red violets are blue tory shirts step in doodoo
Roses are red, Violets are blue, In your presence, my love, Every moment feels new.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your laughter's melody, Makes my world anew.
Roses are red, violets are not lime, if you turn around i will fist you anytime
Me and Rose Bushes have something in common mangled,can hurt,red, and people only like one part