Why can't Tottenham open a restaurant? Because they have no silverware.
Michael Jackson went into an Italian restaurant and died because he choked on 9-year-old meatballs.
I ordered my sandwich at a restaurant on 9/11 spicy, it came out plain.
Bob's Family Restaurant:
Myla what did you do for fathers day Myla: i went to a restaurant Timmy what did you do for fathers day Timmy: i went to a concert Olivia what did you do for fathers day Olivia: talked to him through an ouija board
A It’s very delicious! Great! Fantastic! B Thank you. A People don’t speak when they eat delicious foods!
A :This rice is very delicious! B :Ya! It is more delicious if it is cooked.
What’s the difference between KFC and a woman on her period? One’s finger-licking good and the other is just a fast food restaurant.
What is jefree dhamers favorite restaurant?
Five guys
Why are the people that get your order at restaurants called waiters? They don't wait for the food; we wait for the food. They should be called "note takers." They take notes for food.
Here is a story, my best friend was Chinese, his name was Chong-king. I took him to a restaurant one day and he said, "I am Chong-king." I said I know your name is Chong-king, within a few minutes he just randomly died making weird noises and turning blue by every second.
Anyone know what happened?
When a person went to a restaurant, they died once they were in. Three people were a suspect. Two were suspected because she served the food. Turns out, it was the food!
An orphan goes to a family restaurant with her doll.
"I'm sorry but you can't be here," said the man. "This is a family restaurant." The orphan said, "This is my family," then pointed to her doll.
A woman comes from a restaurant and ate a lot of beans.
When she gets home, her husband puts a blindfold on her and says not to take it off. The lady hears her husband leave the room and starts farting really loudly. When the husband comes back and takes off the blindfold, the lady sees 12 people with pegs on their noses singing happy birthday!
a man goes to a restaurant and asks for some chili the waiter said "sorry sir this is a Asian restaurant". So he stretches his eyes and says "oh herro can i get some chiri".
The waiter comes and asks you for the check. Instead I give him a 20 dollar bill and say "Boy you Can Keep It"
A guy sits at a bar in a skyscraper restaurant high above the city. He slams a shot of tequila, goes over to the window, and jumps out.
What does a waiter in a Chinese restaurant call a customer that won't leave a tip? A "plick."
What happened to the woman who slipped in a seafood restaurant?
Um...I don't know what?
She slipped on a mussel!
Why can’t orthons eat at a family restaurant? Because then don’t have a mom or dad