How are laundry and michael jackson related? They both got bleached!
Bleach solves so many problems: stains, dirty dishes, messes, and overpopulation.
Whats a depressed persons favorite drink Depresso expresso Jk bleach
What's a depressed person's favorite drink?
Depresso expresso
Jk Its bleach
What's a depressed persons favourite drink
Depresso espresso
Nah just kidding it's bleach
My son asked me how i'm so clean,"inside out.". I told him because of bleach. the next day I found him drinking the bleach.
I'll never forget how my grandmother died. "this lemonade tastes like bleach..."
Next time I'm at a restaurant, and they ask what I want to drink, I'm going to say bleach.
What is a dead kid's favorite anime? Bleach.
Friend 1. whats your favorite drink or food Friend 2. pizza Friend 3. Donuts Friend 4. i don't eat food but i do drink bleach Friend 1. (calling the suicide hotline) Friend 2. (Calling the parents)
More expresso less depresso Jk lets all drink bleach cuz life is a bitch
i gave caillou bleach now he is paler then ever >:)
Bleach solves so many problems, Staines, Dirty dishes, messes, and over population
Why did the emo go to the store To buy bleach