Punchline Jokes

Wow- didn't know little jhony jokes were so dark- Well, but what do you expect from a site with jokes about sucide, sex and drugs? :-)

"Drugs?????" His eyes popped out. Well I don't really know if there actually are- and the exact ones... But there's so many kinds of jokes- Even chin jokes. :⁠^⁠))

and slice jokes!

What kind of "slices"?

Handy ones. ^⁠_⁠^

Some one Telling a joke: Boy: my parents are dead Girl: My grandad is too Orphan who listened to it: that joke is dead Person who told the joke: so is ur family

Stranger: Knock Knock Person Who's there? Stranger: Sugma Person: Sugma who? Stranger: SUGMA BALLS KID

stop ruining the jokes its called worst jokes ever for a reason we all feel bad for orphans but people like dark humor and joke about everyone so quit being offended plz

What’s up with the foot feet what is the plural of goose gese what’ve is the plural of moose well it ant mees. Well it’s my first joke pls forgive me if it’s bad