To become a licensed airline pilot requires 1,500 hours (two years) of training. But it only takes 10 seconds to steal the pilot’s jacket and hat.
Stop making 9/11 jokes, my father died in a plane crash.
Best pilot in Saudi Arabia.
What’s New York’s favorite game?
2001 flight simulator.
A Pilot is having a talk with one of his passengers, the passenger asks, "Why did you become a Pilot?" The Pilot replies with, "To face my fears." The passenger then says "You're afraid of heights?". "No, i'm afraid of dying alone".
911 jokes are just plane wrong, my dad was a great pilot you know.
This joke problably flew over peoples heads, but for some people it flew into their head
I don't like it when people make 9/11 jokes. My dad was in it. He was the best damn pilot in saudi arabia
I don’t like making jokes about 9/11, my grandad died in it, he was the greatest pilot I ever knew
When you call the Middle Eastern suicide hotline, they ask you if you can fly a plane.
( just a joke) my grandfather was involved in 9/11 😞. I’ve kept his pilot medals for how good of a pilot he was
Welcome onboard Sexist Airlines. Everyone please fasten your seatbelts now as we are switching to a female pilot.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but what do to wrights make? The first airplane.
What is the difference between a plane and a helicoptor.
A plane hits a building but a helicopter hits the floor
Q: how come in airports,they park the planes outside? A: they don't belong in buildings
I called the suicide hotline in Afghanistan, they got excited and asked if I could drive a plane.
People joke about 9/11, but it's not funny. My dad died in 9/11. Best pilot in Saudi Arabia.
I hate jokes about 9/11... every joke has the tendency to crash and burn.
"I didn't get the joke at first but then it hit me like a plane," the joke was so dark a cop almost shot it.
Jim and Allyn are 2 mates in the Air Force. They were paired up for a training exersice. They got up into the air and Jim said, "okay Allyn, your helmet can control the missile when launched from the jet. Go ahead and test fire a missile and aim it at anything you want." Allyn fired the missile and had his eyes set on an abandoned building. Jim then said, "I also forgot, watch out for friendly fire." Allyn said "what?" As he looked over at Jim.
control tower to Boeing 747 your clear to land on (said person) forehead
Confucius say, female pilot who fly upside down have crack up.
My Great Grandfather died in 9/11
He was an Amazing Pilot