Punchline Jokes

10 years ago my dad went to get milk he said when he got back he was going to tell me a joke. that joke better be worth it

I GAVE UP HOPE AND I LIKED IT!! I TAKE MEDS TO FEEL FANTASTIC! (i kissed a boy{but fed up lyrics})

Why did the little boy fall off the swing? Because he had no arms or legs

What did the little boy get for Christmas? Cancer

Why did the little boy drop his ice cream? He got hit by a bus

Knock knock.....Who’s there... Not the little boy

What is a vampire's favourite animal? A giraffe.

What is a vampire's favourite fruit? Neck-tarines.

Those two jokes are not funny at all!

Why couldn’t little Susie stay on the swing? She had no arms

Knock knock Who’s there? Not Susie.