
Play Jokes

i was digging out side and i found my child old toy so i ran to find him but i could not find him so i was searching for about 6 hours but the i remembered why i was digging......

Q: why was barbie kicked out of the toy box A: she sat on pinocchios face and siad "lie to me

Playing a game called 7-up. Student- why can't I use a pencil to tap their fingers? Teacher- it's cheating! Student- No! it's the object of the game.

Why can’t you play games with cats? Because they always ‘cheetah’. (This joke sucks ik 🥲)

The two brothers were sitting next to each other. They played with planes all day long. They got to violent and now their sister(World Trade Center) stands there. The brothers were put up for adoption and the planes were given back to their owners.

Time for a Terraria joke

What is a worm called when it is with a rich worm for his money?

A gold digger

(play the game or watch some vids to understand)

Two girls are at a play and are about to go on the stage.

Ally before the other girl gos on stage: break a leg!

Rachel: alright!

On stage, Rachel trips over a stand and breaks her leg

Rachel calling backstage: I broke my leg!