
Personal Jokes

whats the difference from morbid humor & dark humor

dark humor fits 10 people in 1 container

morbid humor fits 1 person on ten containers

"Don't forget you are what you eat," said one person. "Then I should eat a skinny person." said the other.

did you hear the one about the deaf person me: no thats because they caint hear so they dont talk

Somebody told another person that they would meet at the crack of Dawn. Lets just say Dawn got very mad.

Why did the little boy cry?

He had a frog nailed to his face and stapled to each of his fins. The frogs were his personal molesters.

You: Say "addicted" after everything I say. Person: Uh okay. You: When you're obsessed with candy you are...? Person: Addicted. You: When you're obsessed with drugs you are...? Person: Addicted. You: What hit you in the face last night? Person: Addicted... *laughs* (It's supposed to sound like "A dick did")

A guy and a woman are walking into a forest. The woman says she is lonely. The guy then says don ́t worry there will be a third person in a little while.

(Set up joke for the actual joke) So why don’t blind people go sky diving? It scares the hell out of their seeing eye dog. (Actual joke) When does a blind person know when he’s about to hit the ground? The leash goes slack.

Kid: Mum how do you know someone is drunk? Mum: See the four birds over there Kid: huh, wait a minute. Mum: A drunk person would see eight. Kid: Mum but there is only two.