Roses are red, violets are blue. If you ever feel alone, I'm always watching you.
I don’t know what’s worse: Finding bucket loads of porn on my dad’s laptop, or finding out he was in all of them.
Little Johnny's mom is taking a shower. Little Johnny walks in and asks, "What is that in between your legs?" Mommy says, "That is my keyhole." The next day, Little Johnny sees his dad taking a shower and Little Johnny asks, "What is that in between your legs?" Daddy says, "That is my key." The next day Little Johnny says to his dad, "Looks like the neighbor has the key to Mommy's keyhole too."
Cousins on the streets means lovers in the sheets. 😂👀
I conducted a survey. I asked 100 women what kind of shampoo they used while they were in the shower? 98 of them said, "How the fuck did you get in here?" 😂😂😂
The emo kid ran away after his parents asked why they took the barcode sticker off the Oreos.
What do you call a night guard at the glory hole inside a adult bookstore?
Guardian of the confessional booth.
What does a glory hole and a confessional booth have in common?
A blowjob is anonymous.
Having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
What is a glory hole at the adult book store used for?
Campaign contributions to the Republican Party.
The definition of a stalker is two people going on a romantic walk, but only one person knows about it.
I think my neighbor is stalking me as she's been googling my name on her computer.
I saw it through my telescope last night.
A man looks at his friend and says, "If you and a friend go camping and you two get really drunk, and in the morning you wake up with a condom in your butt, would you tell anyone?" The friend says in a disgusted tone, "No." So the man says, "Okay, let's go camping."
What do you call someone with a pindie spot?
Stop screen recording.
If I die, delete my search history.
There once was a brother and a sister. So, one night, it's storming really bad and the sister goes into the brother's room and asks, "Can I stay with you tonight because I'm scared?" The brother replies with, "Yeah, sure, but just don't tell Mom." So the girl climbs into the bed and looks under the sheets to see the boy's penis and asks, "What's that?" And the boy replies with, "That's my pet snake." And the girl asks, "Can I pet it?" And the boy says, "Sure, just don't tell Mom." And the boy falls asleep and wakes up in a hospital and asks, "What happened?" And the girl said, "I pet the snake but it spit on me so I bit its head off."
Whenever I have a one night stand, I always use protection.
A fake name and a fake phone number.
So I didn't want my mom going through my laptop, so I put a touch screen on it where you just have to tap the screen to unlock it. Jokes on her, she doesn't have any fingers.
Women: “Men used to go to war, now they go to clubs.”
Men: “Women used to fear their nudes getting leaked, now it’s $3.99.”
roses are red, unlike the rest, I'm the one who has your IP address.