Which type of nut goes to outer space? An astro-nut.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Butter. Butter who? I butter nut tell you.
What sandwich spread makes people itch? Flea-nut butter.
do *nut* get in my way
How come Mr Squirrel watches porn sometimes? Sometimes he feels like a nut, sometimes he don't
you say this to your friend damn your nuts are bigger then mine* thinks the wrong way* friend: i must order more nuts
do *nut* get in my wat
Why did the nut go to the bank? To cashew its check.
What’s a nut’s favorite scary movie? The Creature from the Black Legume.
What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? Hold on to your nuts; this ain’t no ordinary blow job.
why did the chicken cross the road? nut
I'm as bored as heck, someone wanna chat?
squril:i got a joke dog:what the hell is it squril:i clicked my nuts and clickedmy poop
Didja hear about that one guy who dipped his balls in paint? My friend said they were “Pretty nuts!”
Have you seen the justin meme?
Yeah, the ones that cracked at fortnite?
Just-in time for deez nuts
But actually, it's a parody
Wait actually?
Parodiesnuts (pair of deez nuts).
Did you hear the one about the pecan, the walnut, and the cashew? It was nut funny.
what has nut long big and sticky a snikers bar
What do you think of your mom I have to go now and tyyyytt