While an unsuspecting father's at the office making money, this 18 year old son will spend his day in mother's cunny.
We're at the breakfast table, father eats and takes his calls, he doesn't know my mother's toes are kneading at my balls.
It only takes 4 inches to please a woman.
And it doesn’t matter if it’s credit or debit.
There once was a man named Dave who dug up a prostitutes grave, she was as moldy as shit and missing a tit, but think of all the money he saved
If Government can print money
Then why are we paying taxes?!?
Why is prostitution illegal?
Because when it comes to screwing people and taking their money, the government doesn't want anyone outperforming them.
What’s the difference between chocolate and people?
You can’t buy people nowadays.
How was copper wire invented?
Two Jewish people fighting over a penny.
What's the difference between Rorochan and skydivers?
One does it for the cash, the other for the views.
What do strippers and butter have in common?
Both spread for bread.
Why did the football player go to the bank?
To get his quarter back.
Why did the booty get a job?
A son walks up to his dad and says, "I'm so gay right now!"
"No, gay as in HAPPY," says the confused son, "I'm so happy right now!"
"Oh," says the dad, "why are you happy?"
Then the son said, "Because I just got 20 dollars for sucking a guy off."
Would you steal 20 dollars from a stupid 6 year old kid with Down syndrome who can't talk and make ah ah ah noises, or get one dollar for saying the N word?