
Madness Jokes

Once, my father came home and found me in front of a roaring fire. That made my father very mad, as we didn't have a fireplace.

Neona (😞): Are you mad at me?

Gwen (😌): Me? NEVER! Sometimes we listen and don't listen, lets just hugg it out!

Neona (😁): Agreed!

If You're In A Roast Battle With A Homophobe And They Are Talking Mad Shit Just Say:

"The only thing looser than your mouth is your asshole!"

I was once caught doing it with a 16 year old in my bedroom. Boy was my wife mad. She yelled "HOW CAN YOU F... OUR DAUGHTER?!". Haha yeah she was mad. Anyways thats why your mother and I are getting a divorce Timmy.


One cow asks another cow, "Are you afraid of mad cow disease?" The other cow says, "Why should I be? I'm a helicopter."

why are people mad at me? all i did was the truth, and put the bible in the fiction section of the library.

I was hiking once with my girlfriend. Suddenly a huge brown bear was charging at us, really mad. We must have come close to her cubs. Luckily I had my 9mm pistol with me. One shot to my girlfriend's kneecap was all it took. I could walk away at a comfortable pace.


Why were the twon towers mad? Because they ordered three peperoni pizzas and one came plane, the ither came late, and the lther one went to the wrong address.

Please dont get mad its a joke whats the difference between a bullet and a police officer at least when a bullet kills someone its fired

bro my friend is always using zodiacs as an excuse. The other day he said he couldnt hang out with me because of cancer. I told him to fuck off. Then I realized why he was mad after that...

some guy was mad at his ex wife! so he threw a bottle of alcohol into her house when he was drunk. And realized when he was being questioned for arson, his cigarette was in the rim of the bottle.