A teacher asked a class who killed Goliath, the first pupil said he wasn’t the one, the second said he doesn’t know. No one knew in the class. The teacher got furious and dashed to the Head Master’s office to report. Immediately, the head master followed him back to the class with a cane. He growled- “If no one tells me who killed Goliath in this class, you will see fire” Everyone in the class insisted on the fact that it wasn’t them. Then the Head master looked at the teacher and said- “Mr Dapo, are you sure that the person who killed Goliath is in this class? The teacher fainted.
Mom! I think that dad is sleeping Mom: no honey i killed him.
When you think about it hitler wasn’t a bad person he killed hitler
Why did the boy shoot the clock? he wanted to kill time.
Why are the twin towers and after the girls kill all boys are similar? There used to be two but now there's one...
What's a popular name in China? Curiosity, because curiosity killed the cat.
People see this Rolex and they kill themselves. Motherfuckrr that's a suicide watch
There will be no school shooter joke today in honor of the 10 people killed in the Colorado grocery store shooting. R.I.P
A blonde accidentally kills a cop and calls the police. She exclaims, “Hello, is this 911?” The other person, “Yes, what is your emergency?” The blonde answered, “I called to inform you that you’re 910 now.”
Me: My grandpa killed 100 nazis in WWII. My Friend: Well my grandpa killed Hitler. Me: *Relizes*
How do you kill time
Easy taking alarm clock and an assault rifle
What would you call a person who hides in a a house for 24 hours and then kills them morgz.
What do you call a kid laying down in the classroom Kill confermed
What do you call 3 kids laying down in the classroom Kill streak