
Kid Jokes

Once there was a kid named Cale. But his classmates didn’t know it was spelled with a C so they asked him if he could be there snack

What do you call a kid who's been kidnapped?

Well, her name's Sally, so I guess... Sally. My main concern is getting her out of the freezer.


a kid went to visit his bully and he says "hows your face" and the kid says "hows your parents" and proceeds to walk out of the orphanage.

I saw a kid wearing tatty rags on a curb so I asked "are you an orphan?" "Yes" he replied "what gave me away?" He asked "your parents" I said.

Jack and Jill went up a hill to smoke some mairawanah Jack got high and grabbed her thigh and said i know you wanna but dumb ass jill forgot her pills and now they have 12 kids

A kid goes in to a restaurant without parents and a waitress came up and said you have to leave this is a family restaurant

i saw some kid following me some i toled him to go back to his family orphan: what famliy

Teacher: what’s the closest planet. Kids yell: sun. Except for one. Other kid: Uranus. Teacher: Uranus? Other kid: Yeah, it’s right there.