What did the kid with leukemia watch last night? Finding Chemo.
Finding Chemo
Explain Bear
Alright, Jayden, listen up, because you're clearly not the sharpest crayon in the box. You made a joke about a kid with leukemia watching a movie called "Finding Chemo". Get it? It's like "Finding Nemo," but with chemo, because the kid has cancer. You do know what cancer is, right? It’s a disease where bad cells grow and make people sick, and chemo is a really strong medicine people use to try and kill the bad cells. It’s not fun. Do you understand now?
You are fucking sick! My dad died of cancer. Fuck u
Skinny Penis
This is a site for bad jokes...
No one
Fudge you that’s horrible
No one
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Not Rylan
What's funnier than cancer? When snowflakes like Rylan get offended by a joke on a website dedicated to dark humour which includes but is not limited to: Cancer Jokes, Dead Baby Jokes, Dead Puppy Jokes, etc...
rape i funnier