
Hospital Jokes

One time, I worked at the zoo and I was feeding the monkeys.

And one of them μяɨɲąţ€ď on me.

And I went to the hospital and got a bloody nose the next day

There was a guy who got his whole left side shot off.

When was at the hospital and he woke up he asked the doctor of he was okay.

The doctor said ur all right now.

why did the chicken cross the road? to eat bobs arms Bob went to hospital and had no arms Knock knock who's there not bob

What does the beaten women do when she comes home from the hospital? dishes if she knows whats good for her health

One day i visited my friend in a hospital I remember when i spoke "You know, sometimes it's reaching its peak and its lowest state, but i know you'll always end like the others at calming and straight" Yes, i talked about heart monitor beside him

Son: I heard mom got stung by a few bees this morning is she ok? hospital? Dad: She's ok now. no hospital. Dad: She had to take the deep penis. Son: Umm...... WHAT!? Dad: I had to inject her with and EPIC PENIS Dad: Oh for god's sakes Dad: Epi Pen

I went shopping and then to the hospital and then to bed and then I promised to only say and once in a sentence

why did the sick juice tree go to the hospital? becuse it needed lemin ade(not the cool tipe of sick the one where you are in the hospital)lemin ade 1st ade

Person: Sorry to bother you, but what's the quickest way to get to the hospital?

Stranger: Oh, just go Stand in the middle of the road.