
Holiday Jokes

after the holidays. ron asks hermione: "how was the weather in Spain?" hermione: "no idea, it was so foggy i couldnt see a thing"

Well tell her that Halloween is the best holiday because you can hide Easter eggs under the Christmas tree while eating a big Thanksgiving turkey

Your mama so ugly, when Santa Claus came to her house and saw her, he said, "HO HO HOLY SHIT THAT'S ONE UGLY BITCH!"

A German went to France for a holiday, and here is the scene. French border staff asked, "Occupation?" The German replied, "No, no, no, just visiting."


What does the child with no hands got for christmas? Unknown he hasn't opened it yet.

What does a homeless man in new york got for christmas? Hypothermia.

What did the kid with no arms get for Christmas?

A pair of gloves!

Nah, I’m not that mean, he’s still trying to open his presents.