
Food Jokes

I would like to complain about the new sushi restaurant at Gatwick Airport. Although there were large portions going round on the conveyor, they did taste a bit like luggage.

What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho chees- Okay I can't do this anymore.

I would tell you a joke about a slice of pizza but it's really... Cheesy I donut think you will come up with a better pun than this

*I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast any time" so I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.― Steven Wright

Sans:pap you're spaghetti is bonearific.paprus: sans no. Aw you're funny Bone is not working come on that one was a rib tickler

how did you get sally into a blender? -without much resistance how do you get sally out of a blender? -tortilla chips

So in class they were learning about where food comes from: Teacher- so kids where does bacon come from? Student- PIGS Teacher- correct where does mutton come from? Student- SHEEP teacher- and finally here’s your homework- student- IK where that comes from! A FAT COW! 😂😂

So Johnny was working at a deli, a woman walks up and asks, do you have any salad? Johnny says no, she asks? What about carrots? Again Johnny says no, she says what about bananas? Johnny says "tell ya what, spell out "lad" in salad" she spells L A D, Johnny replies "spell "rot" in carrot" she spells R O T, Johnny says "now spell "fuck" in vegetables or fruits" she says "there is no fuck in vegetables or fruits" Johnny exclaims "thats what ive been trying to tell you!"