What happens when Batman sees Catwoman?
The Dark Knight Rises.
I went for a job interview today and the manager said, "We're looking for someone who is responsible."
"Well, I'm your man," I replied. "In my last job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I was responsible."
The way you talk is so slow that they put you in the movie Fast and Furious and changed the title to Slow and Serious!!!😂😂😭
A poor person came up to me and said, "You're ugly." I said, "You remind me of Spider-Man: No Way Home."
Why is E.T. better than an orphan?
Because he found his way home.
It has been rumored that Disney is developing a movie based on suicide. The title?
Finding Emo.
They should bring Michael Jackson back from the dead so he can star in the Peter Pan horror movie.
They made a horror movie about the Chinese president.
It's called "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey."
If you want KFC, pour water on a poor person outside our restaurant and film it.
a sister told her brother to walk to the store buy some candy watch movie with her while eating the candy (but he couldn't walk because he has no legs he couldn't buy candy because he has no arms he couldn't watch a movie because he was blind and he couldn't eat because he has no stomach who said he was real?)
If you are a girl and your favorite movie as a kid was Mulan, they successfully made a man out of you.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to fill her car with Vin Diesel.